Friday, February 18, 2011

The Pinnacle Moment

    I went to see my Therapist yesterday that is overseeing my Transition. It has been three weeks since our last visit, and this one I have been looking forward too. You see, She told me if I was able to maintain a positive attitude and keep a level head. She would write out the Note for me to receive HRT. (Hormone Replacement Therapy) We went over those three weeks carefully with a fine tooth comb. Hormones is taken very seriously it isn't just given to you. She than asked me, "How do you feel about the next step?" My response.
    "I'm ready. It's the only way for me to be me and continue to grow." She than said she would write the note and fax it to the Physician of my choice. "HALLELUJAH!" We talked about other steps such as name changes and such, but those are down the road yet a ways. After my session I called my Physician and made a appointment. Yes within minutes after receiving that Note. I had plans in place to start becoming the Woman I've always known myself to be. 
   I know I now have other trials to face, but I believe I will get through them. I have many friends who have supported me from the beginning. I am sure they will help me through the difficult times ahead, as well as be there for the good times to come! I AM ALICE! These are my Journeys. Until next time, Enjoy your own!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray Alice! Great news. Let us know what the doc says and does for you! With Tonz of love and support~
